The student (pre-doc) status must be confirmed by either a copy of a valid student card or a university/institution declaration form, signed by the supervisor or the head of department, and must be sent with the registration. All the pre-doc proving documents must be in English.
The Raman spectroscopy training school fee includes the:
- Access and participation to the Raman spectroscopy training school
- Attendance certificate
- Coffee breaks
- Lunch breaks
- Welcome event
- Guided tour to the National Gallery-Alexandros Soutsos Museum
The RAA2023 conference fee includes:
- Access and participation to the RAA2023 conference
- Printed book of abstracts and conference bag
- Attendance certificate
- Coffee breaks and poster presentation breaks (and the lunch break of Thursday 10/7)
- Welcome event
- Social dinner
- Conference excursion
- Guided tour to the National Gallery-Alexandros Soutsos Museum
The accompanying person fee includes:
- Welcome event
- Social dinner
- Conference excursion
- Coffee breaks and poster presentation breaks (and the lunch break of Thursday 10/7)
- Guided tour to the National Gallery-Alexandros Soutsos Museum
*** Early Registration and Payment: 1 May-2 July 2023
Late Registration and Payment: 3 July-20 August 2023
** Registration is only effective after payment of the fee. Note that all presenting authors should be fully registered by 9 July 2023. Otherwise the presentation(s) will be cancelled.
* Cancellation policy and refunds: Until 2 July 2023: a 70 € administrative fee will be charged; Until 20 August 2023: the fee for early registration will be charged; After 20 August 2023: no refund will be provided. Requests for refunds must be received via email. All refunds will be processed and executed after the RAA2023 conference.